OK first thing let me warn you this artist is awesome but controversial. She has been lamb-basted for unethical practices and disturbing content. I think she is brave and honest and is getting a bad rap because people don't like what she is telling them because as usual, the truth hurts. Her practice explores the relationship between humans and animals, in particular consumers and pets. She describes her practice:
The pet is developing from 'man's best friend' into a completely commodified article of consumption.
are no longer bred purely for their function (think of for instance the
duck hunt) but are also selected on their aesthetic value and the way
in which the animal will fit its (future) urban environment.
Mankind has been trying to dominate the animal kingdom for millennia and
this ongoing endeavour will eventually result in the perfect pet.
pet that can be adjusted to the wishes and desires of its owner. A pet
that will be the perfect accessory in daily (social) life.
While her methods may seem extreme I think the fact she is getting people talking (or in some circles screaming) means she hit a nerve. We don't like to see our flaws pointed out to us yet her mirror is big and shiny and bright and the ugly dark thing reflected back is ourselves.
The images here are from the baby bunnies project. For more of her incredible work visit her website.